Online Therapy
Online therapy is the therapy over the internet when the therapist and client cannot meet face-to-face for various reasons. The fact that online therapy is as effective and beneficial as face-to-face therapy has become more evident, especially as a result of the experience during the pandemic period. One of the most important advantages of online therapy is that it offers a practical solution by saving the time and effort required to go to the therapist’s office. Of course, it is important that you attend the sessions in an environment where you can be quiet and alone, where you feel comfortable and safe. It should also be mentioned that it is a fact that therapeutic relationships with some clients can be established more quickly and body signals can be understood more easily in face-to-face sessions. But for clients who do not have the opportunity to be in the same room face to face, online therapy is an option that they can approach with confidence.
Online Therapy
Online therapy is the therapy over the internet when the therapist and client cannot meet face-to-face for various reasons. The fact that online therapy is as effective and beneficial as face-to-face therapy has become more evident, especially as a result of the experience during the pandemic period. One of the most important advantages of online therapy is that it offers a practical solution by saving the time and effort required to go to the therapist’s office. Of course, it is important that you attend the sessions in an environment where you can be quiet and alone, where you feel comfortable and safe. It should also be mentioned that it is a fact that therapeutic relationships with some clients can be established more quickly and body signals can be understood more easily in face-to-face sessions. But for clients who do not have the opportunity to be in the same room face to face, online therapy is an option that they can approach with confidence.